
I’m so sorry that I’ve been the most MIA since last week. Firefly took about everything I had out of me, then I took a quick excursion up to NYC to see my mom’s friend in Casa Valentina on Broadway. If it wasn’t closing, I’d suggest you go see it immediately as it was hilare and also a brilliant social commentary on the perception of sexuality.

But Firefly. My. Gosh. For anyone who has never went to an over-night music festival, I am personally adding this to all of your bucket lists. Yes- I was tired. I was dirty. I smelled like a farm. I had gravel up my nose. But the experience is worth being uncomfortable for a few days. Not only was the music spectacular (Outkast, Weezer, and Imagine Dragons in particular), but the vibe there was so incredible. From the moment we pulled our car in to the moment we left, all we experienced was love and appreciation for music. The whole time was awesome- except for the $5 showers that we only even bothered with once because they were so gross. SO GROSS. I actually ended up running into a couple of griends from high school who loved the co-worker I brought, so I ended up in this circle of goofy dudes for most of the weekend- minus the adorable girls in feathered headbands in my pictures below who adopted me when my friends were still asleep. Enjoy the pictures, and feel free to ask me any questions, but there’s no way I could sum up the festival in one post.
